Chandrayaan-3: LVM-3, ISRO's heaviest rocket, to be used for its launch on July 14th | Oneindia News

2023-07-08 491

The Indian Space Research Organization has successfully integrated the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft with its launch vehicle, Mark 3 or the LVM 3 at Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Andhra Pradesh. The Indian Space Agency had renamed the country’s most powerful rocket Mark 3 as LVM 3 last year. LVM 3 is India’s heaviest rocket, with a gross lift-off weight of 640 tonnes, an overall length of 43.5 metre and 5 metre-diameter payload fairing. It can carry up to 8 tonnes of payload to the lower earth orbit which is about 200 km from the Earth’s surface. But when it comes to the geostationary transfer orbits which lie much further ahead, it can carry much less, only about four tonnes. But this does not mean that LVM 3 is weak as compared to rockets used by other countries or space companies for similar jobs.

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